About us


The ChallengeGreen.net team consists of passionate, eco-friendly authors who are committed to helping the environment by promoting sustainability and upcycling.


Jennifer Green, an environmentalist from California, has been writing for ChallengeGreen since its inception in 2008. She is an expert in the area of recycling, upcycling and repurposing old items that would otherwise end up in landfills. Jennifer has written numerous blogs and articles on ChallengeGreen, providing readers with creative ways to reuse and repurpose items they once thought were beyond saving.


Our Mission

ChallengeGreen’s mission is to reduce waste by inspiring people to find new uses for old stuff instead of throwing them away. The team also shares practical tips on waste reduction and green living. ChallengeGreen is constantly evolving and coming up with new ways to tackle the problem of global trash and help people reduce their carbon footprint.

Our Goal

ChallengeGreen’s goal is to show that small steps can make a big difference – from simple composting, recycling, and reusing old items to more complex strategies such as encouraging businesses to use fewer resources and create less waste.

What We Talk About


ChallengeGreen is an excellent resource for anyone looking to make their lifestyle more eco-friendly. So next time you’re trying to figure out what to do with your old stuff, check out ChallengeGreen.net! It’s the perfect way to help reduce global trash and give those items a second life!

Don’t waste your time and money this year buying new things – instead, upcycle your old stuff into something fresh with one of our exciting project ideas! Going green has never been easier or more enjoyable; the best items in life are almost always free.


Repurposing old stuff in your home is a great way to create something new, useful and eco-friendly. By finding different ways to use everyday items that are no longer wanted or needed, you can make the most out of them while keeping them out of landfills.

From making functional furniture pieces like benches and tables to creating one-of-a kind decorations with mason jars or empty bottles, challengegreen.net has plenty of creative ideas for repurposing old stuff in your home without having to break the bank! With our guidance and tips on repurposing old materials around your house, you too can turn trash into treasure.


Recycling old items in your home is a great way to help preserve the environment and reduce waste. challengegreen.net provides tips and advice on how to turn unwanted or unused items into something useful again.

You can give those outdated items new life by creating unique decorations or functional pieces that fit perfectly with your style and home décor. By recycling old stuff at home you can save money while also helping the planet!


Upcycling is a highly popular and economical way to give new life to old items. By upcycling, you are joining ChallengeGreen in reducing global waste, increasing sustainability, and decreasing your carbon footprint – all while creating exciting projects from secondhand materials! ChallengeGreen is the perfect place for anyone looking for innovative ways to use what they already have at home

Let’s Make The World A Better Place, Together.

Jennifer Green
